LaneChanger Discussion Guide

Using LaneChanger

LaneChanger’s modular format makes it perfect for use ingroup sessions, team meetings, town halls and assemblies. And the LaneChanger Event subscription allows anyone to purchase 30-day access to all LaneChanger modules, quizzes and resources which provides ample time for preparation, the event itself and follow-up in an extremely affordable package.


·      Host(s) should prepare by reviewing all LaneChanger modules and quizzes.

·      Host(s) should also be aware of the resource materials included in each module. The LaneChanger Resources Summary provides a central compilation of all included resources.

·      Review the Host & Facilitator Notes – this is very important to ensure a productive session

·      Decide on your desired outcome and/or objectives and select the related LaneChanger modules (see the Sample Run-Of-Show or full Topics List for ideas).

·      Decide on the discussion topics / questions (see examples in the Sample Run-of-Show)



The general flow for use of LC for Events is to play one or two modules, pause for discussion and potentially review of some related resource materials. Some hosts find use one of Schuyler’s media appearances as an opener to set the stage (Press Links).


Schuyler’s approach is all about drawing people into the conversation to explore the common humanity we all share. This invites people to share honestly and openly – knowing that differences are expected, respected and listened to –as long as they are shared in a kind and non-abusive way. Try using the three principals as you guide the conversation.

·       Conversation versus Confrontation – listening and conversation draws people in, confrontation shuts them down or excludes them.

·       Share versus persuade – cultural learning happens best when it is absorbed, not forced.

·      Listen – if you are talking, you are not listening or learning – balance your time.



Regardless of background, we recommend starting with the Introduction and Terminology modules as a means of establishing a common starting point for all participants. Schuyler uses these to present basic information and he subtly introduces his philosophy on conversation and respectful discussion which will prove useful throughout the group session.


Play a selection of modules followed by related discussions.


Focus discussions on how individuals relate to the topic at hand. Have they experienced something similar? What would they do? What would they do if this happened to their brother/sister/friend? What have they done that was similar?


Close with a discussion of personal and/or organizational action. What can we do to be better allies?

See the Sample run-of-show for a complete set of closing topics.


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